Friday, February 15, 2008

Shaping Youth: Nickelodeon's diversity programming

It seems China is finally getting some much-needed positive media coverage, with the official 2008 Beijing Olympics site up, more people using Skype media to learn Chinese with authentic accent integration, and now, some preschool positives to bring Mandarin into the home.

Nickelodeon’s diversity programming is enriched with the debut of the “play along, think-along” cartoon Ni Hao, Kai-Lan,” now slated for the first day of the Chinese New Year. (now airing February 7th, with a ‘sneak peek’ next week on and iTunes, Jan. 28)

Shaping Youth Correspondent Ashley who blogs at Children’s Media Consultant reported this awhile back, noting that it represents Nickelodeon’s first foray into Eastern culture, focusing on social and emotional lessons, multicultural values, cause-and-effect thinking, and basic Mandarin language skills for 2- to 5-year-olds. (NYTimes article here)

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