Saturday, February 9, 2008

just had a "battle of the wits" with the babygirl that left me feeling like i must be doing something or things wrong. i googled some child behavior information and came across quite a few sites that were very reassuring. as a parent, we all hear and talk about the terrible two's...prior to this search i don't recall anyone ever mentioning how the 4's is a "teen training" time or how this can also be a challenging age. i hope you find these articles reassuring as well

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Typical Behavior Milestones

"The Preschool years go by so fast even though some days 24 hours feels more like 240 hours. Preschoolers are small and sweet looking and most of the time a joy to be around and people tend to “ooh” and “aah” over them. The cold hard truth is that at times they can really be frustrating too. Knowing what the typical behaviors for each age of your preschooler, whether it’s a class of ten or a child of one, can help you keep your emotions in check and help the child deal with those emotions and learn more appropriate behavior" read more


"Shaping means providing the child with cues and reinforcements that direct them toward desirable behavior. As you shape behavior, the child's personality tags along and also changes and improves. The main ways to shape" read more

Helping Troubled 4 Year Old

"let's look at how to control, or at least manage, the difficult behavior. Start by acting just the opposite -- the louder he gets, the softer you get." read more

Asking the Parenting Expert: 41/2 year old daughter expressing disheartening behavior

"I have a 4 1/2 year old little girl who is starting to become defiant, untruthful, sneaky, and has done some hitting to myself and her father lately." read more

Buffett sitting on his wallet

"Equity markets are not yet bargain-priced and there's more pain to come on Wall Street because of the debacle in U.S. mortgages, says Warren Buffett, the world's second-richest man." read more

Spears' father 'can fire manager'

"Singer Britney Spears' father has been given the power to fire her business manager, according to court documents." read more

Spears goes in for a makeover

"Troubled singer Britney Spears is trying to get her life together and is starting out by getting a new hairstyle."

read more

Friday, February 8, 2008

Tearful Spears convinced she was a live flop

"Britney Spears used to come offstage in floods of tears after performing to thousands of adoring fans - because she was convinced she was a failure."

Britney's dad moves in with her

"Britney Spears' father is determined to make sure his daughter is safe and sane after her release from hospital on Wednesday - by moving in with her."

Behind the Britney Story: Spears’ Universe and Q&A With Writer Vanessa Grigoriadis

"interview with cover story writer Vanessa Grigoriadis, who discusses the lengths she traveled to track Spears, why she thinks our culture is so obsessed with the minutia of Britney’s life and how the troubled star’s story is like Lost."

it is 3:13 am EST time, fri feb. 8 or 9, i'm not sure right now and don't feel like looking for what date it is. anyway i have been waiting for an hour for the pediatrician on call to call me back. actually it is 3:17 am now and i just called the answering service again who said the doctor on call should call back within about 15 min. and if not to call again. she told me that in the future if i don't hear back within about 15 min. to call them right back. so now it is 3:24 and i just got off the phone with the pediatrician. the answering service lady did also mention she thought the page didn't go through correctly which makes me feel much better that they don't have concerned mothers waiting up at all hours of the night. the pediatrician actually did call right back.
... so here's the story...since tuesday i have been taking care of my sick 4 year old. her temperature had been progressively going down since i got the call from school with her having an under arm temperature of 101. i decided to go to work yesterday (thursday) afternoon because she seemed to be doing great to me with just that lingering fever that was going down. my mom's friend agreed to watch her for me so i could go to work for the afternoon. i went in at 11:30 and left at 5:30 by the time i was getting my daughter ready for bed at 8:30 pm she didn't look very good to me and her temperature was at 99 under the arm. 2 am she wakes up to use the bathroom and she felt like she was burning up: temp of 101.8 under the arm. i'm feeling a little guilty for going to work now. i feel like i needed to have encouraged her to rest and drink fluids more and not be in a rush to get back to work. i guess there's always more we can do... as long as we try to do our best on a day to day basis and everyone is alive and happy at the end of the day, what more can one ask for?

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How to Interpret Your Child's Temperature

this is a great article about reading additions and subtractions that need to be considered when taking a child's temperature under the arm compared with oral and rectal readings. it is a great reading because it reminds us not to get so caught up in the exact temperature down to the 0.1 degree, rather to use the temperature readings along with your judgment of you child's symptoms to help you decide how to best take care of your child.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

i was looking for content information on cleaning green for our monthly e-newsletter that i write for work. one of the articles i read mentioned using lemons as a household cleaner because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties in addition to its powerful aroma. that made me curious to see if oranges had the same properties... so, i stumbled upon this reading that has some great suggestions on several easy to implement uses for oranges that i just had to share with you! check it out and let me know what you think. if you already use some of these ideas or try some, please share your experience, thanks.

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Oranges are not only delicious but they can be used for many things around the house.

great household uses for oranges!

How to Start Green Cleaning Your Home - Top 5 Essential Products You Need To Have

if you want to go green and are not sure where to start, cleaning green is a good way. this article gives you 5 common household green cleaning products for just about all your household cleaning. not only is cleaning green better for the environment, it will also help your family breathe easier.

How to Green Your Cleaning

an article from a site based on how to go green. full of things you can do. if you've made the move with several of your products already and would like to know what else you can do to join the green revolution without spending some big money, you'll find something here

How to Make a Non-Toxic Cleaning Kit

gives detailed information on how to mix natural household products to use for specific purposes. for oven cleaning, window cleaner measurements, etc. if you are a strictly recipe cook this will give you precise measurements.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

so i received a call today... my 4 year old daughter was sick at school with a temperature of 101. she was also having headaches... like many mothers, a series of thoughts ran through my mind including: what does she have and will she need to go to the dr's or er. the center did inform me of 2 viruses that were going around the school including a stomach virus and the the flu.

as soon as we got settled at home i found myself googling flu season, children's flu symptoms etc., as if i haven't already read this information a dozen times before. with all of the viruses and everything out right now i've posted these articles to hopefully help you reduce your search time for relevant material by having information from varying yet credible sources. there are also some links to current flu trends and news articles.

please let me know if you find this useful.

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Flu in Children: Provides comprehensive information

information from provides a synopsis of the flu including symptoms and treatment for children

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Children Flu

this is a little more in depth about flu and how to treat children. another perspective that can be considered.

Does Your Child Have a Cold or the Flu? Symptoms Guide

this has a very user-friendly chart from to help you determine if your child has a cold or the flu

Flu in Children

gives in-depth information about the flu in children including a time outline for the virus. treatment advice consistent with how i've adopted treating my daughter based on advice from pediactricians and internet resources.

US information on influenza and the flu virus with current trends, news, community outbreaks and surveillance maps

Flu season in full swing, CDC warns Wide outbreaks seen in 11 states, with new strain emerging

Flu Season, When Does It Start

Flu Season Turns Up the Misery in Region, Doctors Day

Flu season, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CDC says "Take 3" against flu this season


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