Tuesday, February 5, 2008

so i received a call today... my 4 year old daughter was sick at school with a temperature of 101. she was also having headaches... like many mothers, a series of thoughts ran through my mind including: what does she have and will she need to go to the dr's or er. the center did inform me of 2 viruses that were going around the school including a stomach virus and the the flu.

as soon as we got settled at home i found myself googling flu season, children's flu symptoms etc., as if i haven't already read this information a dozen times before. with all of the viruses and everything out right now i've posted these articles to hopefully help you reduce your search time for relevant material by having information from varying yet credible sources. there are also some links to current flu trends and news articles.

please let me know if you find this useful.

join us next time for some more blog therapy as we move forward on our journey to fabulosity




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