Thursday, February 21, 2008

today was a good day. baby cakes has asked me to continue "sneaking out" when i drop her off at school in the morning and that has been going really well (knock on wood). i am joining a local bni (business networking international) group, which i am very excited about. i encourage anyone who would like to grow their business to look into joining their local chapter. here is the link.

have you ever heard that donald trump gets no more than 5 hours of sleep a night? from what i've seen a large number of moguls get little sleep so it has always bothered me a little that i seem to require so much sleep! i tried yet again to go on a 5 hours of sleep a night streak... i don't think i'm built that way! this past saturday i was up until about 4:30 am blogging to wake up at 9 am. i did something similar the next night and now i have a bit of a cold. although it may not be related, i think it is. so, unfortunately, i think i am going have to limit my blogging to no more than 1 hour a night, maybe 2 on weekends.

baby cakes and i like going to cici's, which is an inexpensive pizza buffet place with a little game room inside. our new thing is when she earns 2 stars every day we go to cici's on thursday. so today we went and we had a ball as usual. we played air hockey and she did very well, getting 2 points.

anyhoo, that has been my fun and eventful week so far! hope you're doing great!

join us next time for some more blog therapy as we move forward on our journey to fabulosity




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