Friday, March 7, 2008

How much time do women spend blogging and socializing online?

I am very curious about how moms spend their time and how they go through each day. I am the type of person who enjoys quiet time at home, so I guess because I find myself constantly going and going between family and work that sometimes I just wonder if there are much other people like me out there (duh, of course there are!). So, I asked my Work It! Mom (WIM) community how much time they spend blogging or socializing online. I spend probably about 2 hours a night on the average doing these things and sometimes I feel a little guilty about it because there are probably more things I can be doing around the house and such. Blogging and things do help me keep my sanity on a day to day basis though, so that feeling quickly goes away! Here are some responses from the WIM comunity.



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